Hand me the sunscreen babe - I mean thermals…

Coming soon will be our trip report for a recent trip into Lake Rhona to climb Reeds Peak and Bonds Craig. A huge take out from that trip is why we are always prepared for any type of weather on trips in Tasmania.

Check out the pictures below. Taken 24 hours apart. Sunny one day, snowing the next! Bender and I literally NEVER head out even for a day walk without wet weathers, thermals, gloves and an emergency bivvy. Keep an eye out for the full trip report but in the meantime enjoy a little snow on the beach at Lake Rhona!

Lake Rhona with the sun shinning.

Snowing at lake Rhona 24 hours later.

Snow at Lake Rhona, South West Tasmania.

Tracey Orr

One girl, unlimited adventures.


Blind trust has no place in bushwalking…


Finally our visit to Camp Hill…